Neat Feat Natural Pain Relief Foot Cream For Sprains


Neat Feat Natural Pain Relief Foot Cream For Sprains, Strains and Bruising

SKU: 8799650742578_47026044895538 Category:


Did you know that 1 in 10 adults suffer from Plantar Fasciitis, inflammation of the tissue below the foot that connects your toes to your heel bone? The pain and discomfort can be intense, but it doesn’t have to be this way – and you don’t have to resort to surgery or chemical-laden products to feel better. Neat Feat’s Pain Relief Foot Cream is an all-natural way to support aching feet so you can get back to the life you love.

  • Effective in fighting pain caused by Plantar Fasciitis
  • Provides temporary relief for strains, sprains, and bruising
  • Also helpful for heel spurs, bunions, Achilles and foot injuries
  • Bursting with 8 active natural ingredients for proven foot pain relief
  • Based on an ancient formula used in herbal medicine for centuries

Before the dawn of technology and modern medicine, people could only use what they had at their disposal to ease pain. Back then, humanity was more in tune with mother nature, using her most potent natural ingredients to nurse people back to health. 8 of those ingredients are found in this pure pain relief foot cream, bringing relief in a matter of weeks. From wholesome rosemary oil to clove bud, eucalyptus, and peppermint oils, this nutritious pain-fighting fusion provides symptomatic relief by targeting the root cause of foot pain. Whether you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, bunions, Achilles or a foot injury, this powerful foot cream is easy to make a part of your daily routine. Apply twice a day, or more if needed, by gently rubbing the lotion into the affected area. Find us in your local pharmacy or order online. We offer worldwide shipping too.


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